NEW SEASON @Neubrandenburg

NEW SEASON @Neubrandenburg

S e p t e m b e r  9 + 10,  2 p m. N e u b r a n d e n b u r g  /  N e u s t r e l i t z Ope­ning of the new sea­son! More…


S e p t e m b e r  3,  3 p m. G E D O K  B r a n d e n b u r g Liam Mal­lett, flu­te // Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp. The Gale­rie Kunst­flü­gel is cele­bra­ting its 25th anni­ver­sa­ry with new art­works and music!...
LIEDER OHNE WORTE @Meck-Pomm Festival

LIEDER OHNE WORTE @Meck-Pomm Festival

J u l y  2 9 ,  6 p m F e s t i v a l s c h e u n e  U l r i c h s h u s e n Love and pas­si­on, des­pair and mad­ness — fes­ti­val lau­rea­te Mat­thi­as Schorn (cla­ri­net) and the Kam­mer­aka­de­mie Pots­dam dedi­ca­te this evening to the­se...


J u l y  1,  8 p m V i l l a  E l i s a b e t h The Ukrai­ni­an com­po­sers fea­tured during the Kyiv Con­tem­po­ra­ry Music Days in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the KNM Ensel­b­le Ber­lin belong to the new gene­ra­ti­on of Ukrai­ni­an clas­si­cal...


J u n e  2 5,  5 p m. S t.  N i k o l a i  S t r a l s u n d Choir con­cert with music by Franz Schu­bert, Gus­tav Holst and John Rut­ter. More…
OXYMORON @Königs Wusterhausen

OXYMORON @Königs Wusterhausen

M a y  2 8,  4 p m B ü r g e r h a u s  H a n n s  E i s l e r For their new pro­gram “scen­ted rus­hes — Through the loo­king glass”, Anna Stein­kog­ler and Valen­tin Butt let them­sel­ves be inspi­red by two gre­at sto­ry-tel­lers and...