
Anna Steinkogler’s sparkling enthusiasm for the harp is contagious! For many years she has been sharing both her joy of music making and her know-how with young and old. Steinkogler is strongly committed to music education, always carefully setting her students new goals and preparing young harpists for entrance exams and competitions. She is more than happy to congratulate many of her young protégés on the first prizes at competitions such as ‘Jugend Musiziert’.
As an advocate of her instrument, Anna Steinkogler participated in building up the harp department at the leerorkest Amsterdam, an innovative form of music education in public schools, and led several music projects at primary schools in the Netherlands and Germany. Her teaching is encouraging, diverse and always targeted to her students needs.
Get to know the harp!

3000 years old, shrouded in legend, beautiful to look at and enchanting to listen to — his is THE opportunity for children and adolescents to experience the harp firsthand at school!
Duration : 40–60 minutes
Can be adapted to any level
Please get in touch for more information!
“Dear Anna Steinkogler,
For several school lessons you have been enchanting the children with your playing and your mastery on the harp. You answered the many questions concerning your profession and instrument with great empathy and expertise, and in a way that was very suitable for the children.(…) I am particularly proud to let you know that four of the children in my music classes even started to learn the harp after your visit! The kids adore your classes!”
Anneli Kohl, music teacher at the Grundschule am Planetarium, Berlin

Anna Steinkogler’s sparkling enthusiasm for the harp is contagious! For many years she has been sharing both her joy of music making and her know-how with young and old. Steinkogler is strongly committed to music education, always carefully setting her students new goals and preparing young harpists for entrance exams and competitions. She is more than happy to congratulate many of her young protégés on the first prizes at competitions such as ‘Jugend Musiziert’.
As an advocate of her instrument, Anna Steinkogler participated in building up the harp department at the leerorkest Amsterdam, an innovative form of music education in public schools, and led several music projects at primary schools in the Netherlands and Germany. Her teaching is encouraging, diverse and always targeted to her students needs.

Get to know the harp!
3000 years old, shrouded in legend, beautiful to look at and enchanting to listen to — this is THE opportunity for children and adolescents to experience the harp firsthand at school!
Duration: 40–60 minutes
Can be adapted to any level
Please get in touch for more information!

“Dear Anna Steinkogler,
For several school lessons you have been enchanting the children with your playing and your mastery on the harp. You answered the many questions concerning your profession and instrument with great empathy and expertise, and in a way that was very suitable for the children. (…) I am particularly proud to let you know that four of the children in my music classes even started to learn the harp after your visit! The kids adore your classes!”
Letter from Anneli Kohl, music teacher at the Grundschule am Planetarium, Berlin
AUF der Bühne zu stehen ist fantastisch — gebündelte Energie die einen Augenblick lang sichtbar wird!
Was jedoch nicht im Scheinwerferlicht stattfindet, das WIE und WARUM, beleuchte ich in diesem Newsletter…