Anna Stein­kog­ler

The Ber­lin based Aus­tri­an har­pist Anna Stein­kog­ler is acti­ve across many gen­res as an orches­tral musi­ci­an, cham­ber musi­ci­an, soloist and tea­cher. She has recei­ved num­e­rous pri­zes in inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­ons, which have led to per­for­man­ces in renow­ned venues all over the world. Her ongo­ing desi­re to fur­ther refi­ne her skills led her first to the Mozar­te­um Salz­burg, then the Con­ser­va­to­ri­um van Ams­ter­dam, and final­ly to the Hoch­schu­le für Musik Hanns Eis­ler Berlin.


Edu­ca­ti­on and degrees

As a child, Anna Steinkogler’s life was full of music: she sang in a children’s choir and recei­ved recor­der, pia­no and harp les­sons.
At six­teen she was accept­ed into the ‘Young Talent’ class of Prof. Edward Wit­sen­berg at the Mozar­te­um Salz­burg.
After gra­dua­ting from school Anna Stein­kog­ler stu­di­ed French and art histo­ry, befo­re pur­suing her musi­cal stu­dies and the Con­ser­va­to­ri­um van Ams­ter­dam with Prof. Eri­ka Waar­den­burg, during which time she dis­co­ver­ed her love for cham­ber music as well as for con­tem­po­ra­ry music, and aqui­red a huge reper­toire in both fields.

Anna deepe­ned her skills as a soloist and orches­tral play­er during her mas­ters stu­dies with Prof. Maria Graf at the Hoch­schu­le für Musik Hanns Eis­ler Ber­lin, gra­dua­ting with distinction.

As well as her main tea­chers in Ams­ter­dam and Ber­lin, Anna owes a lot of inspi­ra­ti­on and a deeper insight into music to musi­ci­ans like Gode­lie­ve Schra­mer, Isa­bel­le Moret­ti, David Wath­kins, Mara Galas­si, Petra van der Hei­de, Sand­ri­ne Cha­tron, Nao­ko Yoshi­no, Tan Dun, Nobu­ko Imai, and Fans van Ruth.


Per­forming and teaching

Anna Stein­kog­ler loves per­forming as a soloist and even more so as a cham­ber musi­ci­an, working across many gen­re and roles. She explo­res all kinds of set­tings, both with fel­low musi­ci­ans and other artists, always see­king new expres­si­ons in music, life, work, and art.

She also enjoys the inspi­ra­ti­on she recei­ves through col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with orchestras such as the Kon­zert­haus-orches­ter Ber­lin, Volks­büh­ne Ber­lin, NDR Han­no­ver, Phil­har­mo­ni­sches Staats­or­ches­ter Ham­burg, Taschen­oper Lübeck, Staats-orches­ter Frank­furt Oder, Mag­de­bur­gi­sche Phil­har­mo­nie and others.

If Anna Stein­kog­ler is not per­forming hers­elf, she likes to pass on her enthu­si­asm to others, be it child­ren or adults. During her stu­dies in Ams­ter­dam she star­ted tea­ching harp clas­ses at the leer­or­kest Ams­ter­dam, an inno­va­ti­ve form of music edu­ca­ti­on in public schools.  Sin­ce then she has had years of expe­ri­ence tea­ching both young and old, hob­by musi­ci­ans and professionals.

Anna Stein­kog­ler

The Ber­lin based Aus­tri­an har­pist Anna Stein­kog­ler is acti­ve across many gen­res as an orches­tral musi­ci­an, cham­ber musi­ci­an, soloist and tea­cher. She has recei­ved num­e­rous pri­zes in inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­ons, which have led to per­for­man­ces in renow­ned venues all over the world. Her ongo­ing desi­re to fur­ther refi­ne her skills led her first to the Mozar­te­um Salz­burg, then the Con­ser­va­to­ri­um van Ams­ter­dam, and final­ly to the Hoch­schu­le für Musik Hanns Eis­ler Berlin.


Edu­ca­ti­on and degrees

As a child, Anna Steinkogler’s life was full of music: she sang in a children’s choir and recei­ved recor­der, pia­no and harp les­sons.
At six­teen she was accept­ed into the ‘Young Talent’ class of Prof. Edward Wit­sen­berg at the Mozar­te­um Salz­burg.
After gra­dua­ting from school Anna Stein­kog­ler stu­di­ed French and art histo­ry, befo­re pur­suing her musi­cal stu­dies and the Con­ser­va­to­ri­um van Ams­ter­dam with Prof. Eri­ka Waar­den­burg, during which time she dis­co­ver­ed her love for cham­ber music as well as for con­tem­po­ra­ry music, and aqui­red a huge reper­toire in both fields.

Anna deepe­ned her skills as a soloist and orches­tral play­er during her mas­ters stu­dies with Prof. Maria Graf at the Hoch­schu­le für Musik Hanns Eis­ler Ber­lin, gra­dua­ting with distinction.

As well as her main tea­chers in Ams­ter­dam and Ber­lin, Anna owes a lot of inspi­ra­ti­on and a deeper insight into music to musi­ci­ans like Gode­lie­ve Schra­mer, Isa­bel­le Moret­ti, David Wath­kins, Mara Galas­si, Petra van der Hei­de, Sand­ri­ne Cha­tron, Nao­ko Yoshi­no, Tan Dun, Nobu­ko Imai, and Fans van Ruth.

Per­forming and teaching

Anna Stein­kog­ler loves per­forming as a soloist and even more so as a cham­ber musi­ci­an, working across many gen­re and roles. She explo­res all kinds of set­tings, both with fel­low musi­ci­ans and other artists, always see­king new expres­si­ons in music, life, work, and art.

She also enjoys the inspi­ra­ti­on she recei­ves through col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with orchestras such as the Kon­zert­haus­or­ches­ter Ber­lin, NDR Han­no­ver, Phil­har­mo­ni­sches Staats­or­ches­ter Ham­burg, Taschen­oper Lübeck, Staats­or­ches­ter Frank­furt Oder, Mag­de­bur­gi­sche Phil­har­mo­nie and others.

If Anna Stein­kog­ler is not per­forming hers­elf, she likes to pass on her enthu­si­asm to others, be it child­ren or adults. During her stu­dies in Ams­ter­dam she star­ted tea­ching harp clas­ses at the leer­or­kest Ams­ter­dam, an inno­va­ti­ve form of music edu­ca­ti­on in public schools.  Sin­ce then she has had years of expe­ri­ence tea­ching both young and old, hob­by musi­ci­ans and professionals.



AUF der Büh­ne zu ste­hen ist fan­tas­tisch — gebün­del­te Ener­gie die einen Augen­blick lang sicht­bar wird!

Was jedoch nicht im Schein­wer­fer­licht statt­fin­det, das WIE und WARUM, beleuch­te ich in die­sem Newsletter…