
Anna Steinkogler’s spar­k­ling enthu­si­asm for the harp is con­ta­gious! For many years she has been sha­ring both her joy of music making and her know-how with young and old. Stein­kog­ler is stron­gly com­mit­ted to music edu­ca­ti­on, always careful­ly set­ting her stu­dents new goals and pre­pa­ring young har­pists for ent­rance exams and com­pe­ti­ti­ons. She is more than hap­py to con­gra­tu­la­te many of her young pro­té­gés on the first pri­zes at com­pe­ti­ti­ons such as ‘Jugend Musiziert’.

As an advo­ca­te of her instru­ment, Anna Stein­kog­ler par­ti­ci­pa­ted in buil­ding up the harp depart­ment at the leer­or­kest Ams­ter­dam, an inno­va­ti­ve form of music edu­ca­ti­on in public schools, and led seve­ral music pro­jects at pri­ma­ry schools in the Net­her­lands and Ger­ma­ny. Her tea­ching is encou­ra­ging, diver­se and always tar­ge­ted to her stu­dents needs.

Get to know the harp!

3000 years old, shrou­ded in legend, beau­tiful to look at and enchan­ting to lis­ten to — his is THE oppor­tu­ni­ty for child­ren and ado­le­s­cents to expe­ri­ence the harp first­hand at school!

Dura­ti­on : 40–60 minu­tes
Can be adapt­ed to any level

Plea­se get in touch for more information!


“Dear Anna Steinkogler,

For seve­ral school les­sons you have been enchan­ting the child­ren with your play­ing and your mas­tery on the harp. You ans­we­red the many ques­ti­ons con­cer­ning your pro­fes­si­on and instru­ment with gre­at empa­thy and exper­ti­se, and in a way that was very sui­ta­ble for the child­ren.(…) I am par­ti­cu­lar­ly proud to let you know that four of the child­ren in my music clas­ses even star­ted to learn the harp after your visit! The kids ado­re your classes!”

Anne­li Kohl, music tea­cher at the Grund­schu­le am Pla­ne­ta­ri­um, Berlin


Anna Steinkogler’s spar­k­ling enthu­si­asm for the harp is con­ta­gious! For many years she has been sha­ring both her joy of music making and her know-how with young and old. Stein­kog­ler is stron­gly com­mit­ted to music edu­ca­ti­on, always careful­ly set­ting her stu­dents new goals and pre­pa­ring young har­pists for ent­rance exams and com­pe­ti­ti­ons.  She is more than hap­py to con­gra­tu­la­te many of her young pro­té­gés on the first pri­zes at com­pe­ti­ti­ons such as ‘Jugend Musiziert’.

As an advo­ca­te of her instru­ment, Anna Stein­kog­ler par­ti­ci­pa­ted in buil­ding up the harp depart­ment at the leer­or­kest Ams­ter­dam, an inno­va­ti­ve form of music edu­ca­ti­on in public schools, and led seve­ral music pro­jects at pri­ma­ry schools in the Net­her­lands and Ger­ma­ny.  Her tea­ching is encou­ra­ging, diver­se and always tar­ge­ted to her stu­dents needs.

Get to know the harp!

3000 years old, shrou­ded in legend, beau­tiful to look at and enchan­ting to lis­ten to — this is THE oppor­tu­ni­ty for child­ren and ado­le­s­cents to expe­ri­ence the harp first­hand at school!

Dura­ti­on: 40–60 minutes

Can be adapt­ed to any level

Plea­se get in touch for more information!

“Dear Anna Steinkogler,

For seve­ral school les­sons you have been enchan­ting the child­ren with your play­ing and your mas­tery on the harp. You ans­we­red the many ques­ti­ons con­cer­ning your pro­fes­si­on and instru­ment with gre­at empa­thy and exper­ti­se, and in a way that was very sui­ta­ble for the child­ren. (…) I am par­ti­cu­lar­ly proud to let you know that four of the child­ren in my music clas­ses even star­ted to learn the harp after your visit! The kids ado­re your classes!”

Let­ter from Anne­li Kohl, music tea­cher at the Grund­schu­le am Pla­ne­ta­ri­um, Berlin



AUF der Büh­ne zu ste­hen ist fan­tas­tisch — gebün­del­te Ener­gie die einen Augen­blick lang sicht­bar wird!

Was jedoch nicht im Schein­wer­fer­licht statt­fin­det, das WIE und WARUM, beleuch­te ich in die­sem Newsletter…