O c t.  3,  2 0 2 0,  1 1 a m. / 5 p m.

“My links with folk music are often of an emo­tio­nal cha­rac­ter. When I work with that music I am always caught by the thrill of dis­co­very… I return again and again to folk music becau­se I try to estab­lish cont­act bet­ween that and my own ide­as about music. I have a uto­pian dream, though I know it can­not be rea­li­zed: I would like to crea­te a unity bet­ween folk music and our music — a real, per­cep­ti­ble, under­stan­da­ble con­duit bet­ween anci­ent, popu­lar music-making which is so clo­se to ever­y­day work and music.” Lucia­no Berio. Read more…

Sopra­no: Iuli­ia Tara­so­va. Con­duc­tor: Sebas­ti­an Tewinkel.