O c t o b e r  1 5 & 1 6,  6 p m
K a i s e r  W i l h e l m  G e d ä c h t n i s k i r c h e /
S t.  B a r t h o l o m ä u s k i r c h e

The Carl-von-Ossietz­ky Choir pres­ents a pro­gram dedi­ca­ted to the sen­se of delight and strength of music, com­bi­ning texts in Hebrew, Ger­man and Latin with the tonal lan­guage of com­po­sers from dif­fe­rent cen­tu­ries. A pro­gram all about diver­si­ty and open min­ded­ness, cen­te­ring Leo­nard Bern­steins “Chi­ches­ter psalms”. Read more…