N o v .  1 1,  8 p m
H a u s  d e r  K u l t u r e n  d e r  W e l t  B e r l i n

Gel­bart doesn’t just bring music to the stage, but pushes open the gate to other worlds. In his com­po­si­ti­on The Por­tal, Final­ly he under­ta­kes a sound expe­ri­ment with influen­ces from avant-gar­de jazz, sound­tracks of ear­ly sci­ence fic­tion films and works of clas­si­cal moder­nism. The Por­tal, Final­ly asks whe­ther first cont­act with ano­ther uni­ver­se can hap­pen this very evening. The com­po­ser and media artist gathers a 14-pie­ce ensem­ble with instru­ments such as harp, harp­s­ichord and elec­tro­nics under a lar­ge tri­ang­le. This is not meant to repre­sent the titu­lar por­tal, but to func­tion as one. Becau­se in view of a poten­ti­al­ly infi­ni­te num­ber of par­al­lel uni­ver­ses, the tran­si­ti­on into one of them is within the realm of pos­si­bi­li­ty. If ano­ther world emer­ges at the end of the per­for­mance, the expe­ri­ment will have suc­cee­ded. More…