M a r c h  3 1  —  A p r i l  1,  8 p m
T e i l e l a g e r  F a h r b e r e i t s c h a f t

KNM con­tem­po­r­a­ri­es is a fes­ti­val offe­ring pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, open dis­cus­sions and evening per­for­man­ces of new music in the expe­ri­men­tal set­ting of Tei­le­la­ger FAHRBEREITSCHAFT, ope­ning up a plu­ra­li­stic forum for con­tem­po­ra­ry lis­tening, exch­an­ge and com­po­sing. With music by Ales­san­dro Boset­ti, Maxim Kolo­mi­iets, Kuba Krze­win­ski, Min­na Lein­onen, Yang Lin and Gior­gio Mus­o­le­si. More…