J u l y  1,  8 p m
V i l l a  E l i s a b e t h

The Ukrai­ni­an com­po­sers fea­tured during the Kyiv Con­tem­po­ra­ry Music Days in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the KNM Ensel­b­le Ber­lin belong to the new gene­ra­ti­on of Ukrai­ni­an clas­si­cal musi­ci­ans and repre­sent what is com­mon­ly known as the Mai­dan gene­ra­ti­on. The Revo­lu­ti­on of Digni­ty, or Euro­mai­dan, which took place in Ukrai­ne in 2013–2014, brought about radi­cal poli­ti­cal and social chan­ges in the coun­try but also gave a boost to cul­tu­ral initia­ti­ves, both sta­te-fun­ded and grass­roots. We wish to show the diver­se tra­jec­to­ries the Ukrai­ni­an new music has taken during this tur­bu­lent yet incre­di­bly fer­ti­le peri­od. More…