N o v e m b e r  1 8,  7 p m.
E v.  K i r c h e  G s c h w e n d

“Scen­ted rus­hes — a ton­gue-in-cheek homage to Lewis Carroll”

Old and new. Fan­ta­sy and rea­li­ty. Harp and accor­di­on. The music and coope­ra­ti­on of OXYMORON is all about bra­ving con­tra­dic­tions and, by inter­con­nec­ting them, blur­ring the lines and crea­ting some­thing new. In their cur­rent pro­gram, the musi­ci­ans pre­sent their own fairy-tale suite “Scen­ted rus­hes” con­sis­ting of their own com­po­si­ti­ons dedi­ca­ted to Lewis Car­roll, the aut­hor of “Ali­ce in Won­der­land” and Mau­rice Ravels suite “Mother Goo­se”. The result is a colorful cross­over of chan­ging per­spec­ti­ves. A sty­li­stic mix of clas­si­cal music, jazz, tan­go ele­ments and world music. More…

Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp
Valen­tin Butt, accordion