MOZARTFEST @würzburg

MOZARTFEST @würzburg

2 2   J u n i ,  8 p m K a i s e r s a a l  W ü r z b u r g On the road with Laut­ten­com­pa­gney Ber­lin under the baton of Wolf­gang Kat­sch­ner with works by Fau­rè, Schütz and Saint-Saëns. More…
DUO OXYMORON @misereor

DUO OXYMORON @misereor

1 3  J u n e K u l t u r  B ü r o  E l i s a b e t h  B e r l i n Duo Oxy­mo­ron plays for Mise­re­or e.V. Pri­va­te event.
DUO OXYMORON @misereor

DUO OXMYORON @wegedurchdasland

2 6  M a y ,  6 p m K u l t u r s c h e u n e 1 A ,  B a d  W ü n n e n b e r g “Mit einem lachen­den Auge”. A pro­gram about the dif­fe­rent facet­tes of blind­ness, hos­ted by Wege durch das Land Fes­ti­val. Hele­ne Grass reads texts by...


M a y  2 4 ,  7 . 3 0 p m H o f  Q u i l l o ,  F a l k e n h a g e n In this years 1st Con­tem­po­ra­ry Music con­cert we will walk a tigh­tro­pe through aus­te­re land­scapes until dis­co­ve­ring the 13 colours of sun­set....
CHOIRCONCERT @blankensee

CHOIRCONCERT @blankensee

M a y  1 8 ,  5 p m J o h a n n i s c h e  K i r c h e  i m  W a l d f r i e d e n Requi­em by John Rutter