ZAFRAAN @hfmsaar

ZAFRAAN @hfmsaar

J a n u a r y  15 — 1 9,  7 p m H f M  S a a r  K o n z e r t s a a l Work­shop and con­cert. The Labo­ra­to­ry for New Music is a series of con­tem­po­ra­ry con­certs and per­for­man­ces, con­duc­ted by the HfM Saar in coope­ra­ti­on...
SOLO @Wintermünze

SOLO @Wintermünze

D e c e m b e r  1 7 ,  a r o u n d  3. 3 0 p m O l d  M i n t  B e r l i n A litt­le solo harp at Berlin’s top secret Christ­mas Mar­ket: the Wintermünze…
OXYMORON @beschenkt

OXYMORON @beschenkt

D e c e m b e r  9 — 15 K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n We think of Christ­mas trees, Christ­mals songs and, of cour­se, a lot of pres­ents when we think of Christ­mas. We are hap­py to get them and exch­an­ge them with others. “beschenkt” is...
PANAMOUR @Dialogpreis

PANAMOUR @Dialogpreis

N o v e m b e r  3 0, D e u t s c h e r  D i a l o g p r e i s Pana­mo­ur is hono­u­red to play for Deut­sche Dia­log­preis 2023. Pri­va­te event. Liam Mal­lett, flute Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp
OXYMORON @musikwinter gschwend

OXYMORON @musikwinter gschwend

N o v e m b e r  1 8,  7 p m. E v.  K i r c h e  G s c h w e n d “Scen­ted rus­hes — a ton­gue-in-cheek homage to Lewis Carroll” Old and new. Fan­ta­sy and rea­li­ty. Harp and accor­di­on. The music and coope­ra­ti­on of OXYMORON is all...
OXYMORON @provinciale

OXYMORON @provinciale

O c t.  1 7 — 2 0 F i l m f e s t  E b e r s w a l d e A big screen anni­ver­sa­ry to come, Film­fest Ebers­wal­de pres­ents 33 films from 15 count­ries. This year’s sel­ec­tion of the inter­na­tio­nal pro­vin­cia­le com­pe­ti­ti­on includes...