RHAPSODIES @Neubrandenburg

RHAPSODIES @Neubrandenburg

M a y  4 / 5 / 7 N e u b r a n d e n b u r g e r  P h i l h a r m o n i e Rumani­an and Spa­nish rhap­so­dies by Enes­cu, Rach­ma­ni­nov and Ravel, and of cour­se the one “in blue” by Geor­ge Gershwin under the baton of Sebas­ti­an Tewin­kel....


A p r i l  7,  8 p m K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n Good Fri­day Con­cert with the Kon­zert­haus­or­ches­ter Ber­lin, Marc Albrecht and Dani­el Hope. More…
ENSEMBLE KNM @Fahrbereitschaft Berlin

ENSEMBLE KNM @Fahrbereitschaft Berlin

M a r c h  3 1  —  A p r i l  1,  8 p m T e i l e l a g e r  F a h r b e r e i t s c h a f t KNM con­tem­po­r­a­ri­es is a fes­ti­val offe­ring pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, open dis­cus­sions and evening per­for­man­ces of new music in...


M a r c h  5,  9. 3 0 a m  &  2. 3 0 p m K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n BRÜDERCHEN UND SCHWESTERCHEN. Vio­lin, harp and dance. A con­cert for the youn­gest ones! We are exci­ted to find out how they are going to react!...
RHAPSODIES @Neubrandenburg

BRITANNIA @Neubrandenburg

F e b r u a r y  2 / 3 / 5 N e u b r a n d e n b u r g e r  P h i l h a r m o n i e “Gree­tings from Gre­at Bri­tain”. Sym­pho­nic con­cert under the baton of Mik­hel Küt­son. More…


J a n u a r y  2 6  &  2 7 A n h a l t i s c h e s  T h e a t e r  D e s s a u Sym­pho­nic con­cert under the baton of Dani­el Hup­pert. More…