
OXYMORON @Neuruppin

OXYMORON @Neuruppin

S e p t e m b e r  2 3 r d ,  7 p m  +  8 p m
S i e c h e n h a u s k a p e l l e  N e u r u p p i n

Valen­tin Butt, Accordion
Anna Stein­kog­ler, Harp

THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. Two fan­ta­sy worlds in dia­lo­gue with each other: Mau­rice Ravel’s fan­ta­stic suite “Ma Mère l’Oye”, a deli­ca­te and frail mas­ter­pie­ce of impres­sio­nism, arran­ged and re-inter­pre­­ted by OXYMORON. And some of the duo’s own colourful com­po­si­ti­ons, inspi­red by Lewis Carroll’s all time clas­sic “Through the loo­king glass”.

More info and reser­va­tions: 03391 398844.

LA VOIX HUMAINE @Theater im Del­phi Berlin

LA VOIX HUMAINE @Theater im Del­phi Berlin 

S e p t e m b e r  1 9 / 2 0 / 2 1

One woman. A tele­pho­ne. Does tech­no­lo­gy con­nect us? Or is it respon­si­ble for the distance bet­ween human beings?

An ope­ra by Fran­cis Pou­lenc, based on the play by Jean Cocteau.

Per­for­med by c/o cham­ber orchestra.
Direc­tor: Man­fred Schweigkofler.

Infor­ma­ti­on and Tickets

IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME @Kirche zum Guten Hir­ten Friedenau

IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME @Kirche zum Guten Hir­ten Friedenau 

A u g u s t  3 1,  7 p m

A search for clues and time in Mar­cel Prousts honour, cele­bra­ting his 150th bir­th­day. With tim­e­l­ess­ly beau­tiful music by Clau­de Debus­sy, Mau­rice Ravel and Gabri­el Fauré.

Spea­k­er: Thahn Ho. Flu­te: Liam Mal­lett. Harp: Anna Steinkogler

More info.



A u g u s t  8 t h,  4 p m.
O p e n  a i r  c o n c e r t

Musi­cal impres­si­ons for oboe d’a­mo­re and harp by Debus­sy, Bar­tok, Satie and Piaz­zolla at the Klas­sik im Grü­nen fes­ti­val, in the midd­le of the beau­tiful palace gar­dens of Buckow.

Oboe d’A­mo­re: Ant­je Thier­bach. Harp: Anna Steinkogler

Read more.

SCHWANENGESANG @Theater im Delphi

SCHWANENGESANG @Theater im Delphi 

O c t o b e r  9 / 1 0 / 1 1,  2 0 2 0,  8 p m.

The re-ima­­gi­na­­ti­on of the four­teen songs of Schubert’s last song cycle “SCHWANENGESANG” offers infi­ni­te pos­si­bi­li­ties to inter­pret the past, pre­sent and future. A sel­ec­tion of out­stan­ding artists, who are given licence to pro­du­ce respon­se pie­ces invi­te for the crea­ti­on of a kalei­do­scope effect of music, dance and spo­ken word. Read more…



Wel­co­me to BALCONIA! Shake­speare has intro­du­ced the bal­c­o­ny to lovers — and lovers of cul­tu­re all over the world. With Covid-19 making cul­tu­ral events as we know them almost impos­si­ble, this has beco­me even more true! So why not fol­low up on Shake­speares beau­tiful tra­di­ti­on? During sum­mer, we are sha­ring our music and pas­si­on with you out­doors! Come by and enjoy a moment of dol­ce vita in the streets of Ber­lin! Read more…



O c t.  3,  2 0 2 0,  1 1 a m. / 5 p m.

“My links with folk music are often of an emo­tio­nal cha­rac­ter. When I work with that music I am always caught by the thrill of dis­co­very… I return again and again to folk music becau­se I try to estab­lish cont­act bet­ween that and my own ide­as about music. I have a uto­pian dream, though I know it can­not be rea­li­zed: I would like to crea­te a unity bet­ween folk music and our music — a real, per­cep­ti­ble, under­stan­da­ble con­duit bet­ween anci­ent, popu­lar music-making which is so clo­se to ever­y­day work and music.” Lucia­no Berio. Read more…

Sopra­no: Iuli­ia Tara­so­va. Con­duc­tor: Sebas­ti­an Tewinkel.

Herz­zeit @nah_bar_festival

Herz­zeit @nah_bar_festival

S e p t e m b e r  2 9,  2 0 2 0,  6 p m,  C l u b  M e n s c h  M e i e r

Inge­borg Bach­mann and Paul Celan. An impos­si­ble love story.

Sel­ec­ted texts and poems of both wri­ters. Read by the actors Stel­la Hin­richs and Lud­ger Lem­per. With music by Bar­tok, Cho­pin and Satie, arran­ged for oboe d’a­mo­re and harp. Read more…

OXYMORON @Theater am Rand

OXYMORON @Theater am Rand 

S e p t e m b e r  1 9,  2 0 2 0,  7  p m.

Loca­ted in the far far East of Ger­ma­ny (cal­led Oder­bruch), you’ll find the Thea­ter am Rand, built into the midd­le of natu­re and built BY natu­re! An exci­ting set­ting to host the Inter­na­tio­nal Accor­di­on Fes­ti­val, taking place for the 3rd time. And just the right loca­ti­on for us to get back on track: Valen­tin Butt, Bajan and Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp. More infor­ma­ti­on here!

SERENATA @Kappelle Neuruppin

SERENATA @Kappelle Neuruppin 

S e p t e m b e r  1 7,  2 0 2 0,  7 p m. &  8 p m.

A pic­tures­que site — the Sie­chen­haus­kap­pel­le of Neu­rup­pin, nati­ve town of Theo­dor Fon­ta­ne. And a dre­a­my com­bi­na­ti­on of instru­ments — Oboe d’A­mo­re play­ed by Ant­je Thier­bach, accom­pa­nied by the har­pist Anna Stein­kog­ler. Play­ing music by Clau­de Debus­sy, Astor Piaz­zolla and Erik Satie. For more infor­ma­ti­on, check here!


OXYMORON @Neuruppin

OXYMORON @Neuruppin

S e p t e m b e r  2 3 r d ,  7 p m  +  8 p m
S i e c h e n h a u s k a p e l l e  N e u r u p p i n

Valen­tin Butt, Accordion
Anna Stein­kog­ler, Harp

THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. Two fan­ta­sy worlds in dia­lo­gue with each other: Mau­rice Ravel’s fan­ta­stic suite “Ma Mère l’Oye”, a deli­ca­te and frail mas­ter­pie­ce of impres­sio­nism, arran­ged and re-inter­pre­­ted by OXYMORON. And some of the duo’s own colourful com­po­si­ti­ons, inspi­red by Lewis Carroll’s all time clas­sic “Through the loo­king glass”.

More info and reser­va­tions: 03391 398844.

LA VOIX HUMAINE @Theater im Del­phi Berlin

LA VOIX HUMAINE @Theater im Del­phi Berlin 

S e p t e m b e r  1 9 / 2 0 / 2 1

One woman. A tele­pho­ne. Does tech­no­lo­gy con­nect us? Or is it respon­si­ble for the distance bet­ween human beings?

An ope­ra by Fran­cis Pou­lenc, based on the play by Jean Cocteau.

Per­for­med by c/o cham­ber orchestra.
Direc­tor: Man­fred Schweigkofler.

Infor­ma­ti­on and Tickets

IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME @Kirche zum Guten Hir­ten Friedenau

IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME @Kirche zum Guten Hir­ten Friedenau 

A u g u s t  3 1,  7 p m

A search for clues and time in Mar­cel Prousts honour, cele­bra­ting his 150th bir­th­day. With tim­e­l­ess­ly beau­tiful music by Clau­de Debus­sy, Mau­rice Ravel and Gabri­el Fauré.

Spea­k­er: Thahn Ho. Flu­te: Liam Mal­lett. Harp: Anna Steinkogler

More info.



A u g u s t  8 t h,  4 p m.
O p e n  a i r  c o n c e r t

Musi­cal impres­si­ons for oboe d’a­mo­re and harp by Debus­sy, Bar­tok, Satie and Piaz­zolla at the Klas­sik im Grü­nen fes­ti­val, in the midd­le of the beau­tiful palace gar­dens of Buckow.

Oboe d’A­mo­re: Ant­je Thier­bach. Harp: Anna Steinkogler

Read more.

SCHWANENGESANG @Theater im Delphi

SCHWANENGESANG @Theater im Delphi 

O c t o b e r  9 / 1 0 / 1 1,  2 0 2 0,  8 p m.

The re-ima­­gi­na­­ti­on of the four­teen songs of Schubert’s last song cycle “SCHWANENGESANG” offers infi­ni­te pos­si­bi­li­ties to inter­pret the past, pre­sent and future. A sel­ec­tion of out­stan­ding artists, who are given licence to pro­du­ce respon­se pie­ces invi­te for the crea­ti­on of a kalei­do­scope effect of music, dance and spo­ken word. Read more…



Wel­co­me to BALCONIA! Shake­speare has intro­du­ced the bal­c­o­ny to lovers — and lovers of cul­tu­re all over the world. With Covid-19 making cul­tu­ral events as we know them almost impos­si­ble, this has beco­me even more true! So why not fol­low up on Shake­speares beau­tiful tra­di­ti­on? During sum­mer, we are sha­ring our music and pas­si­on with you out­doors! Come by and enjoy a moment of dol­ce vita in the streets of Ber­lin! Read more…



O c t.  3,  2 0 2 0,  1 1 a m. / 5 p m.

“My links with folk music are often of an emo­tio­nal cha­rac­ter. When I work with that music I am always caught by the thrill of dis­co­very… I return again and again to folk music becau­se I try to estab­lish cont­act bet­ween that and my own ide­as about music. I have a uto­pian dream, though I know it can­not be rea­li­zed: I would like to crea­te a unity bet­ween folk music and our music — a real, per­cep­ti­ble, under­stan­da­ble con­duit bet­ween anci­ent, popu­lar music-making which is so clo­se to ever­y­day work and music.” Lucia­no Berio. Read more…

Sopra­no: Iuli­ia Tara­so­va. Con­duc­tor: Sebas­ti­an Tewinkel.

Herz­zeit @nah_bar_festival

Herz­zeit @nah_bar_festival

S e p t e m b e r  2 9,  2 0 2 0,  6 p m,  C l u b  M e n s c h  M e i e r

Inge­borg Bach­mann and Paul Celan. An impos­si­ble love story.

Sel­ec­ted texts and poems of both wri­ters. Read by the actors Stel­la Hin­richs and Lud­ger Lem­per. With music by Bar­tok, Cho­pin and Satie, arran­ged for oboe d’a­mo­re and harp. Read more…

OXYMORON @Theater am Rand

OXYMORON @Theater am Rand 

S e p t e m b e r  1 9,  2 0 2 0,  7  p m.

Loca­ted in the far far East of Ger­ma­ny (cal­led Oder­bruch), you’ll find the Thea­ter am Rand, built into the midd­le of natu­re and built BY natu­re! An exci­ting set­ting to host the Inter­na­tio­nal Accor­di­on Fes­ti­val, taking place for the 3rd time. And just the right loca­ti­on for us to get back on track: Valen­tin Butt, Bajan and Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp. More infor­ma­ti­on here!

SERENATA @Kappelle Neuruppin

SERENATA @Kappelle Neuruppin 

S e p t e m b e r  1 7,  2 0 2 0,  7 p m. &  8 p m.

A pic­tures­que site — the Sie­chen­haus­kap­pel­le of Neu­rup­pin, nati­ve town of Theo­dor Fon­ta­ne. And a dre­a­my com­bi­na­ti­on of instru­ments — Oboe d’A­mo­re play­ed by Ant­je Thier­bach, accom­pa­nied by the har­pist Anna Stein­kog­ler. Play­ing music by Clau­de Debus­sy, Astor Piaz­zolla and Erik Satie. For more infor­ma­ti­on, check here!



AUF der Büh­ne zu ste­hen ist fan­tas­tisch — gebün­del­te Ener­gie die einen Augen­blick lang sicht­bar wird!

Was jedoch nicht im Schein­wer­fer­licht statt­fin­det, das WIE und WARUM, beleuch­te ich in die­sem Newsletter…