
PROJECTIONS @konzerthausberlin

1 4 / 1 5  F e b u a r y
K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n

Works by Lera Auer­bach and Mode­st Mus­sorgs­ky, play­ed by Kon­zert­haus­or­ches­ter Ber­lin and Joa­na Mallwitz.

SCHICKSALSKARTEN @neuelausitzerphilharmonie

4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8  F e b r u a r y
G ö r l i t z  /  B a u t z e n  /  Z i t t a u  / H o y e r s w e r d a

Music by Pro­ko­fiev, Gla­sun­ov and Stra­vin­sky play­ed by Neue Lau­sit­zer Phil­har­mo­nie and José Maria Moreno.

TAKT AUF! @komischeoperberlin

2 4  J a n / 1  F e b
K o m i s c h e  O p e r  B e r l i n

Inter­ac­ti­ve con­cert for Young and Old with the orches­tra of Komi­schen Oper Berlin.

SYMPHONIC @konzerthausberlin

8  /  9  /  1 0  J a n u a r y
K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n

Music by Bern­stein, Gershwin and Ravel play­ed by Kon­zert­haus­or­ches­ter Ber­lin and Iván Fischer. More…

BESCHENKT @konzerthausberlin

BESCHENKT @konzerthausberlin

D e c e m b e r  9 — 15
K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n

We think of Christ­mas trees, Christ­mals songs and, of cour­se, a lot of pres­ents when we think of Christ­mas. We are hap­py to get them and exch­an­ge them with others. “beschenkt” is all about the over­whel­ming emo­ti­ons around gifts — and that some of the best are­n’t the ones wrap­ped in glitter.

With Mer­ce­des del Rosa­rio Appu­glie­se and Lisa Alpí­zar Agui­lar: dance and cho­reo­gra­phy // DUO OXYMORON: Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp and Valen­tin Butt, accor­di­on // Mar­tin Lutz, live-elec­­tro­­nics //  Chris­tin Vahl, set and stage design // Chris­ti­ne Mel­lich, dramaturgy


DUO OXYMORON @allianzforumberlin

DUO OXYMORON @allianzforumberlin

3  D e z e m b e r
A l l i a n z  F o r u m  B e r l i n

Cerem­o­ny for the Max-Planck-Hum­­boldt Rese­arch Award 2024 with music by Duo Oxy­mo­ron. Pri­va­te event.

DUO OXYMORON @allianzforumberlin


1  D e z e m b e r ,  8 p m
A l t e  D r u c k e r e i  O t t e n s e n

“Scen­ted Rus­hes” Record Release Tour! Valen­tin Butt, accor­de­on & Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp. More…

THE 7 DEADLY SINS @volksbühneberlin

2 9  / 3 0  N o v e m b e r
V o l k s b ü h n e  B e r l i n

“Die 7 Tod­sün­den”. Alle­gor­cial musi­cal dra­ma by Adal­bert Gold­schmidt for huge orches­tra, mass choir and six ope­ra soloists. With ensem­ble mem­bers of  Volks­büh­ne Ber­lin, the choirs of Sing­aka­de­mie zu Ber­lin and Kam­mer­sym­pho­nie Ber­lin. Text and direc­tion: Chris­ti­an Filips. More…


2 4  N o v e m b e r ,  1 1 a m
K i r c h e  z u r  H e i m a t  Z e h l e n d o r f

Ser­vice in com­me­mo­ra­ti­on of the dead with harp music.


PROJECTIONS @konzerthausberlin

1 4 / 1 5  F e b u a r y
K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n

Works by Lera Auer­bach and Mode­st Mus­sorgs­ky, play­ed by Kon­zert­haus­or­ches­ter Ber­lin and Joa­na Mallwitz.

SCHICKSALSKARTEN @neuelausitzerphilharmonie

4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8  F e b r u a r y
G ö r l i t z  /  B a u t z e n  /  Z i t t a u  / H o y e r s w e r d a

Music by Pro­ko­fiev, Gla­sun­ov and Stra­vin­sky play­ed by Neue Lau­sit­zer Phil­har­mo­nie and José Maria Moreno.

TAKT AUF! @komischeoperberlin

2 4  J a n / 1  F e b
K o m i s c h e  O p e r  B e r l i n

Inter­ac­ti­ve con­cert for Young and Old with the orches­tra of Komi­schen Oper Berlin.

SYMPHONIC @konzerthausberlin

8  /  9  /  1 0  J a n u a r y
K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n

Music by Bern­stein, Gershwin and Ravel play­ed by Kon­zert­haus­or­ches­ter Ber­lin and Iván Fischer. More…

BESCHENKT @konzerthausberlin

BESCHENKT @konzerthausberlin

D e c e m b e r  9 — 15
K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n

We think of Christ­mas trees, Christ­mals songs and, of cour­se, a lot of pres­ents when we think of Christ­mas. We are hap­py to get them and exch­an­ge them with others. “beschenkt” is all about the over­whel­ming emo­ti­ons around gifts — and that some of the best are­n’t the ones wrap­ped in glitter.

With Mer­ce­des del Rosa­rio Appu­glie­se and Lisa Alpí­zar Agui­lar: dance and cho­reo­gra­phy // DUO OXYMORON: Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp and Valen­tin Butt, accor­di­on // Mar­tin Lutz, live-elec­­tro­­nics //  Chris­tin Vahl, set and stage design // Chris­ti­ne Mel­lich, dramaturgy


DUO OXYMORON @allianzforumberlin

DUO OXYMORON @allianzforumberlin

3  D e z e m b e r
A l l i a n z  F o r u m  B e r l i n

Cerem­o­ny for the Max-Planck-Hum­­boldt Rese­arch Award 2024 with music by Duo Oxy­mo­ron. Pri­va­te event.

DUO OXYMORON @allianzforumberlin


1  D e z e m b e r ,  8 p m
A l t e  D r u c k e r e i  O t t e n s e n

“Scen­ted Rus­hes” Record Release Tour! Valen­tin Butt, accor­de­on & Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp. More…

THE 7 DEADLY SINS @volksbühneberlin

2 9  / 3 0  N o v e m b e r
V o l k s b ü h n e  B e r l i n

“Die 7 Tod­sün­den”. Alle­gor­cial musi­cal dra­ma by Adal­bert Gold­schmidt for huge orches­tra, mass choir and six ope­ra soloists. With ensem­ble mem­bers of  Volks­büh­ne Ber­lin, the choirs of Sing­aka­de­mie zu Ber­lin and Kam­mer­sym­pho­nie Ber­lin. Text and direc­tion: Chris­ti­an Filips. More…


2 4  N o v e m b e r ,  1 1 a m
K i r c h e  z u r  H e i m a t  Z e h l e n d o r f

Ser­vice in com­me­mo­ra­ti­on of the dead with harp music.



AUF der Büh­ne zu ste­hen ist fan­tas­tisch — gebün­del­te Ener­gie die einen Augen­blick lang sicht­bar wird!

Was jedoch nicht im Schein­wer­fer­licht statt­fin­det, das WIE und WARUM, beleuch­te ich in die­sem Newsletter…