
ENSEMBLE KNM @Fahrbereitschaft Berlin

ENSEMBLE KNM @Fahrbereitschaft Berlin 

M a r c h  3 1  —  A p r i l  1,  8 p m
T e i l e l a g e r  F a h r b e r e i t s c h a f t

KNM con­tem­po­r­a­ri­es is a fes­ti­val offe­ring pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, open dis­cus­sions and evening per­for­man­ces of new music in the expe­ri­men­tal set­ting of Tei­le­la­ger FAHRBEREITSCHAFT, ope­ning up a plu­ra­li­stic forum for con­tem­po­ra­ry lis­tening, exch­an­ge and com­po­sing. With music by Ales­san­dro Boset­ti, Maxim Kolo­mi­iets, Kuba Krze­win­ski, Min­na Lein­onen, Yang Lin and Gior­gio Mus­o­le­si. More…



M a r c h  5,  9. 3 0 a m  &  2. 3 0 p m
K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n

BRÜDERCHEN UND SCHWESTERCHEN. Vio­lin, harp and dance.

A con­cert for the youn­gest ones! We are exci­ted to find out how they are going to react! More…

BRITANNIA @Neubrandenburg

BRITANNIA @Neubrandenburg

F e b r u a r y  2 / 3 / 5
N e u b r a n d e n b u r g e r  P h i l h a r m o n i e

“Gree­tings from Gre­at Bri­tain”. Sym­pho­nic con­cert under the baton of Mik­hel Küt­son. More…



J a n u a r y  2 6  &  2 7
A n h a l t i s c h e s  T h e a t e r  D e s s a u

Sym­pho­nic con­cert under the baton of Dani­el Hup­pert. More… 

OXYMORON @Konzerthaus Berlin

OXYMORON @Konzerthaus Berlin 

J a n u a r y  2 1 ,  8 p m

Through the loo­king glass: Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp and Valen­tin Butt, accordion

In this pro­gram, we let our­sel­ves be inspi­red by three gre­at sto­ry-tel­­lers and phil­an­thro­pists. Not only their works, but also their sen­se of humor, ear­nest­ness and their distas­te for being stuck in a pige­on hole is what attracts us to the com­po­sers Mau­rice Ravel and Ber­nard Andrés and the wri­ter and mathe­ma­ti­ci­an Lewis Car­roll. All three knew about the importance of blur­ring the lines. As OXYMORON, we are con­ti­nuing their tra­di­ti­ons with our own com­po­si­ti­ons. Tickets…

BESCHENKT @Konzerthaus Berlin

BESCHENKT @Konzerthaus Berlin 

D e c e m b e r  3 r d  —  9 t h

We think of Christ­mas trees, Christ­mals songs and, of cour­se, a lot of pres­ents when we think of Christ­mas. We are hap­py to get them and exch­an­ge them with others. “beschenkt” is all about the over­whel­ming emo­ti­ons around gifts — and that some of the best are­n’t the ones wrap­ped in glitter.

Anna Stein­kog­ler: harp // Valen­tin Butt: bajan // Mar­tin Lutz: live-elec­­tro­­nics // Mer­ce­des del Rosa­rio Appu­glie­se and Flo­ri­an Bil­bao: dance and cho­reo­gra­phy // Chris­tin Vahl: set and stage design // Chris­ti­ne Mel­lich: dramaturgy


ADVENTSKONZERT @Marienkirche Berlin

ADVENTSKONZERT @Marienkirche Berlin 

D e c e m b e r  8 , 7 p m

Cand­le light and Christ­mas spi­rit in the midd­le of Ber­lin at St. Mari­en at Alex­an­der­platz. With Ant­je Thier­bach, Oboe d’a­mo­re and Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp. More…

ADVENT @Sophienkirche

ADVENT @Sophienkirche

N o v e m b e r   2 7 ,  1 0 . 3 0  a m
S o p h i e n k i r c h e  B e r l i n  M i t t e

Fes­ti­ve church ser­vice on the 1st Sun­day in Advent with the girl’s choir of Sing­aka­de­mie Berlin



N o v .  1 1,  8 p m
H a u s  d e r  K u l t u r e n  d e r  W e l t  B e r l i n

Gel­bart doesn’t just bring music to the stage, but pushes open the gate to other worlds. In his com­po­si­ti­on The Por­tal, Final­ly he under­ta­kes a sound expe­ri­ment with influen­ces from avant-gar­­de jazz, sound­tracks of ear­ly sci­ence fic­tion films and works of clas­si­cal moder­nism. The Por­tal, Final­ly asks whe­ther first cont­act with ano­ther uni­ver­se can hap­pen this very evening. The com­po­ser and media artist gathers a 14-pie­ce ensem­ble with instru­ments such as harp, harp­s­ichord and elec­tro­nics under a lar­ge tri­ang­le. This is not meant to repre­sent the titu­lar por­tal, but to func­tion as one. Becau­se in view of a poten­ti­al­ly infi­ni­te num­ber of par­al­lel uni­ver­ses, the tran­si­ti­on into one of them is within the realm of pos­si­bi­li­ty. If ano­ther world emer­ges at the end of the per­for­mance, the expe­ri­ment will have suc­cee­ded. More…

אָעִירָה שָחַר @Ossietzky Chor Berlin

אָעִירָה שָחַר @Ossietzky Chor Berlin 

O c t o b e r  1 5 & 1 6,  6 p m
K a i s e r  W i l h e l m  G e d ä c h t n i s k i r c h e /
S t.  B a r t h o l o m ä u s k i r c h e

The Carl-von-Ossiet­z­ky Choir pres­ents a pro­gram dedi­ca­ted to the sen­se of delight and strength of music, com­bi­ning texts in Hebrew, Ger­man and Latin with the tonal lan­guage of com­po­sers from dif­fe­rent cen­tu­ries. A pro­gram all about diver­si­ty and open min­ded­ness, cen­te­ring Leo­nard Bern­steins “Chi­ches­ter psalms”. Read more…


ENSEMBLE KNM @Fahrbereitschaft Berlin

ENSEMBLE KNM @Fahrbereitschaft Berlin 

M a r c h  3 1  —  A p r i l  1,  8 p m
T e i l e l a g e r  F a h r b e r e i t s c h a f t

KNM con­tem­po­r­a­ri­es is a fes­ti­val offe­ring pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, open dis­cus­sions and evening per­for­man­ces of new music in the expe­ri­men­tal set­ting of Tei­le­la­ger FAHRBEREITSCHAFT, ope­ning up a plu­ra­li­stic forum for con­tem­po­ra­ry lis­tening, exch­an­ge and com­po­sing. With music by Ales­san­dro Boset­ti, Maxim Kolo­mi­iets, Kuba Krze­win­ski, Min­na Lein­onen, Yang Lin and Gior­gio Mus­o­le­si. More…



M a r c h  5,  9. 3 0 a m  &  2. 3 0 p m
K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n

BRÜDERCHEN UND SCHWESTERCHEN. Vio­lin, harp and dance.

A con­cert for the youn­gest ones! We are exci­ted to find out how they are going to react! More…

BRITANNIA @Neubrandenburg

BRITANNIA @Neubrandenburg

F e b r u a r y  2 / 3 / 5
N e u b r a n d e n b u r g e r  P h i l h a r m o n i e

“Gree­tings from Gre­at Bri­tain”. Sym­pho­nic con­cert under the baton of Mik­hel Küt­son. More…



J a n u a r y  2 6  &  2 7
A n h a l t i s c h e s  T h e a t e r  D e s s a u

Sym­pho­nic con­cert under the baton of Dani­el Hup­pert. More… 

OXYMORON @Konzerthaus Berlin

OXYMORON @Konzerthaus Berlin 

J a n u a r y  2 1 ,  8 p m

Through the loo­king glass: Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp and Valen­tin Butt, accordion

In this pro­gram, we let our­sel­ves be inspi­red by three gre­at sto­ry-tel­­lers and phil­an­thro­pists. Not only their works, but also their sen­se of humor, ear­nest­ness and their distas­te for being stuck in a pige­on hole is what attracts us to the com­po­sers Mau­rice Ravel and Ber­nard Andrés and the wri­ter and mathe­ma­ti­ci­an Lewis Car­roll. All three knew about the importance of blur­ring the lines. As OXYMORON, we are con­ti­nuing their tra­di­ti­ons with our own com­po­si­ti­ons. Tickets…

BESCHENKT @Konzerthaus Berlin

BESCHENKT @Konzerthaus Berlin 

D e c e m b e r  3 r d  —  9 t h

We think of Christ­mas trees, Christ­mals songs and, of cour­se, a lot of pres­ents when we think of Christ­mas. We are hap­py to get them and exch­an­ge them with others. “beschenkt” is all about the over­whel­ming emo­ti­ons around gifts — and that some of the best are­n’t the ones wrap­ped in glitter.

Anna Stein­kog­ler: harp // Valen­tin Butt: bajan // Mar­tin Lutz: live-elec­­tro­­nics // Mer­ce­des del Rosa­rio Appu­glie­se and Flo­ri­an Bil­bao: dance and cho­reo­gra­phy // Chris­tin Vahl: set and stage design // Chris­ti­ne Mel­lich: dramaturgy


ADVENTSKONZERT @Marienkirche Berlin

ADVENTSKONZERT @Marienkirche Berlin 

D e c e m b e r  8 , 7 p m

Cand­le light and Christ­mas spi­rit in the midd­le of Ber­lin at St. Mari­en at Alex­an­der­platz. With Ant­je Thier­bach, Oboe d’a­mo­re and Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp. More…

ADVENT @Sophienkirche

ADVENT @Sophienkirche

N o v e m b e r   2 7 ,  1 0 . 3 0  a m
S o p h i e n k i r c h e  B e r l i n  M i t t e

Fes­ti­ve church ser­vice on the 1st Sun­day in Advent with the girl’s choir of Sing­aka­de­mie Berlin



N o v .  1 1,  8 p m
H a u s  d e r  K u l t u r e n  d e r  W e l t  B e r l i n

Gel­bart doesn’t just bring music to the stage, but pushes open the gate to other worlds. In his com­po­si­ti­on The Por­tal, Final­ly he under­ta­kes a sound expe­ri­ment with influen­ces from avant-gar­­de jazz, sound­tracks of ear­ly sci­ence fic­tion films and works of clas­si­cal moder­nism. The Por­tal, Final­ly asks whe­ther first cont­act with ano­ther uni­ver­se can hap­pen this very evening. The com­po­ser and media artist gathers a 14-pie­ce ensem­ble with instru­ments such as harp, harp­s­ichord and elec­tro­nics under a lar­ge tri­ang­le. This is not meant to repre­sent the titu­lar por­tal, but to func­tion as one. Becau­se in view of a poten­ti­al­ly infi­ni­te num­ber of par­al­lel uni­ver­ses, the tran­si­ti­on into one of them is within the realm of pos­si­bi­li­ty. If ano­ther world emer­ges at the end of the per­for­mance, the expe­ri­ment will have suc­cee­ded. More…

אָעִירָה שָחַר @Ossietzky Chor Berlin

אָעִירָה שָחַר @Ossietzky Chor Berlin 

O c t o b e r  1 5 & 1 6,  6 p m
K a i s e r  W i l h e l m  G e d ä c h t n i s k i r c h e /
S t.  B a r t h o l o m ä u s k i r c h e

The Carl-von-Ossiet­z­ky Choir pres­ents a pro­gram dedi­ca­ted to the sen­se of delight and strength of music, com­bi­ning texts in Hebrew, Ger­man and Latin with the tonal lan­guage of com­po­sers from dif­fe­rent cen­tu­ries. A pro­gram all about diver­si­ty and open min­ded­ness, cen­te­ring Leo­nard Bern­steins “Chi­ches­ter psalms”. Read more…



AUF der Büh­ne zu ste­hen ist fan­tas­tisch — gebün­del­te Ener­gie die einen Augen­blick lang sicht­bar wird!

Was jedoch nicht im Schein­wer­fer­licht statt­fin­det, das WIE und WARUM, beleuch­te ich in die­sem Newsletter…