


A p r i l  1 s t,  7. 3 0 p m
S o r b i c  M u s e u m

Cham­ber music evening pre­mier­ing pie­ces by the sor­bic com­po­sers Bräu­er, Cyz and Eli­­ko­w­­ski-Win­k­­ler and clas­sics by Beet­ho­ven, Bar­tok and Bruch.

Wal­traut Elvers, vio­lin, viola
Ramón Jaf­fé, cello
Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp
Hei­de­ma­rie Wies­ner, piano



M a r c h  1 8 ,  7 p m
S c h l o s s  S c h ö n h a u s e n

OXYMORON — Through the loo­king glass

Anna Stein­kog­ler: harp
Valen­tin Butt: accordion

More Infos



M a r c h  2 n d,  7. 3 0 p m
A d v e n t k i r c h e  F r i e d r i c h s h a i n

Inge­borg Bach­mann & Paul Celan. An impos­si­ble love sto­ry set in music and poetry.

Spea­k­er: Elet­tra di Salvo
Oboe d’a­mo­re: Ant­je Thierbach
Harp: Anna Steinkogler

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DANCE! @Halle

DANCE! @Halle

J a n  2 0 t h ,  8 p m
H a l l e  a n  d e r  S a a l e

“Tanz ins Neue Jahr!” Orches­tra con­cert with the Neu­bran­den­bur­ger Philharmonie




J a n u a r y  1 6 t h,  5 p m
S a n k t  N i k o l a i  R o s t o c k

Ora­to­rio de Noël by Camil­le Saint-Saëns

X‑MAS @Kaiserdom Königslutter

X‑MAS @Kaiserdom Königslutter 

D e c e m b e r  1 8 t h ,  6 p m
K a i s e r d o m  K ö n i g s l u t t e r

Christ­mas con­cert with Clau­de Debussy’s deli­ca­te “Dan­ses” for solo harp and strings and the “Ora­to­rio de Noël” by Camil­le Saint-Saëns.



D e c e m b e r  1 2 t h,  5 p m
S a n k t  N i k o l a i  R o s t o c k

Ora­to­rio de Noël by Camil­le Saint-Saëns

BESCHENKT @Konzerthaus Berlin

BESCHENKT @Konzerthaus Berlin 

D e c e m b e r  1 s t  —  5 t h

We think of Christ­mas trees, Christ­mals songs and, of cour­se, a lot of pres­ents when we think of Christ­mas. We are hap­py to get them and exch­an­ge them with others. “beschenkt” is all about the over­whel­ming emo­ti­ons around gifts — and that some of the best are­n’t the ones wrap­ped in glitter.

Anna Stein­kog­ler: harp // Valen­tin Butt: bajan // Mar­tin Lutz: live-elec­­tro­­nics // Mer­ce­des del Rosa­rio Appu­glie­se and Flo­ri­an Bil­bao: dance and cho­reo­gra­phy // Chris­tin Vahl: set and stage design // Chris­ti­ne Mel­lich: dramaturgy


1:1 @Humboldtforum Berlin

1:1 @Humboldtforum Berlin 

S e p t e m b e r  2 5  &  2 6
1 0 a m. — 2 p m.

Ope­ning of the west wing of the Hum­boldt­fo­rum Ber­lin with exclu­si­ve encoun­ters with musi­ci­ans and artists from all over the world.





A p r i l  1 s t,  7. 3 0 p m
S o r b i c  M u s e u m

Cham­ber music evening pre­mier­ing pie­ces by the sor­bic com­po­sers Bräu­er, Cyz and Eli­­ko­w­­ski-Win­k­­ler and clas­sics by Beet­ho­ven, Bar­tok and Bruch.

Wal­traut Elvers, vio­lin, viola
Ramón Jaf­fé, cello
Anna Stein­kog­ler, harp
Hei­de­ma­rie Wies­ner, piano



M a r c h  1 8 ,  7 p m
S c h l o s s  S c h ö n h a u s e n

OXYMORON — Through the loo­king glass

Anna Stein­kog­ler: harp
Valen­tin Butt: accordion

More Infos



M a r c h  2 n d,  7. 3 0 p m
A d v e n t k i r c h e  F r i e d r i c h s h a i n

Inge­borg Bach­mann & Paul Celan. An impos­si­ble love sto­ry set in music and poetry.

Spea­k­er: Elet­tra di Salvo
Oboe d’a­mo­re: Ant­je Thierbach
Harp: Anna Steinkogler

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DANCE! @Halle

DANCE! @Halle

J a n  2 0 t h ,  8 p m
H a l l e  a n  d e r  S a a l e

“Tanz ins Neue Jahr!” Orches­tra con­cert with the Neu­bran­den­bur­ger Philharmonie




J a n u a r y  1 6 t h,  5 p m
S a n k t  N i k o l a i  R o s t o c k

Ora­to­rio de Noël by Camil­le Saint-Saëns

X‑MAS @Kaiserdom Königslutter

X‑MAS @Kaiserdom Königslutter 

D e c e m b e r  1 8 t h ,  6 p m
K a i s e r d o m  K ö n i g s l u t t e r

Christ­mas con­cert with Clau­de Debussy’s deli­ca­te “Dan­ses” for solo harp and strings and the “Ora­to­rio de Noël” by Camil­le Saint-Saëns.



D e c e m b e r  1 2 t h,  5 p m
S a n k t  N i k o l a i  R o s t o c k

Ora­to­rio de Noël by Camil­le Saint-Saëns

BESCHENKT @Konzerthaus Berlin

BESCHENKT @Konzerthaus Berlin 

D e c e m b e r  1 s t  —  5 t h

We think of Christ­mas trees, Christ­mals songs and, of cour­se, a lot of pres­ents when we think of Christ­mas. We are hap­py to get them and exch­an­ge them with others. “beschenkt” is all about the over­whel­ming emo­ti­ons around gifts — and that some of the best are­n’t the ones wrap­ped in glitter.

Anna Stein­kog­ler: harp // Valen­tin Butt: bajan // Mar­tin Lutz: live-elec­­tro­­nics // Mer­ce­des del Rosa­rio Appu­glie­se and Flo­ri­an Bil­bao: dance and cho­reo­gra­phy // Chris­tin Vahl: set and stage design // Chris­ti­ne Mel­lich: dramaturgy


1:1 @Humboldtforum Berlin

1:1 @Humboldtforum Berlin 

S e p t e m b e r  2 5  &  2 6
1 0 a m. — 2 p m.

Ope­ning of the west wing of the Hum­boldt­fo­rum Ber­lin with exclu­si­ve encoun­ters with musi­ci­ans and artists from all over the world.




AUF der Büh­ne zu ste­hen ist fan­tas­tisch — gebün­del­te Ener­gie die einen Augen­blick lang sicht­bar wird!

Was jedoch nicht im Schein­wer­fer­licht statt­fin­det, das WIE und WARUM, beleuch­te ich in die­sem Newsletter…